TAB - Building Parts WS on youtube
Summary video of the Building parts Workshop organized by Tab and Future Architecture Platform. 10-13. 09. 2019...
TAB + 'building parts' WS __Tallin
Increasing automation in construction is favoring individual, repetitive parts and modularity. Developing capacities for emergent spatial...
Visual Storytelling workshop _UniKassel 2019SS :)
Student works. Timeline and Storyboard hybrid sketches. Workshop task 01 >>
Teaching at the 'Society in motion', erasmus + workshop 2019 in University of Liechtenstein! Workshop blog!!!
STORY TELLING workshop _ Uni Kassel
In January 2019, i was invited by Prof. Marie Therese Harnoncourt to run a 4 day workshop at the University of Kassel. My lecture-series...
Grasshopper workshop in Uni Liechtenstein (vaduz)
2 days grasshopper workshop with uni lie bachelor and master students. The main focus of the workshop was on patterns...
'Sim' teacher's meeting in Liechtenstein
To prepare for the last session of the 'society in motion' workshop series, the teacher team: CORNELIA FAISST(uni Lie) CLARISSA RHOMBERG(...
visiting VARES - TPT VALUE
Preparation trip for University course proposal with Christian Victor Mapping Value - The permanently Temporary project section
Society in Motion - Vienna Workshop Blog is published!!
SIM BLOG The workshop blog is published!! Thanks for Dalal Elarji, uni Li, Bas and Angewandte! "Society in Motion" is a three years...